Testimonial From Founders

I have worked closely with both Erick and Ricky over the past 5 years. They are not only builders themselves but also have a deep understanding of the capital markets. Also, in terms of professionalism and ethics, they are unbeatable. I cannot emphasize this enough.

We met Erick early in our journey and he acted as an advisor to Solana and had frequent meetings with our team to help with tokenomics and token launch strategy. Erick’s deep knowledge, experience and willingness to help was invaluable to Solana. If you are an early-stage blockchain project, I recommend that you speak with Erick and get his advice.

Ricky has been participating in the early stage Frax launch and provided help for us in the defi ecosystem. His expertise in token economics and trading have been a tremendous help for the project’s success.

Erick bridges the east to the west in simple terms. This is a rare quality that I’ve grown to appreciate over the years.

Erick has been a crucial supporter of Axie since the early days and provided tremendous guidance on our token launch strategy. He’s been a steadfast ally during difficult times as well. Eric has an operator’s mindset with deep knowledge across all aspects of managing and growing a Web3 project. Erick is a joy to work with and I strongly encourage founders to discuss their ventures with him.